Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Back to Plan B

Ok...got the big old "negative" that really counts today. Time to change my focus back to half marathon training. I'm super glad I ran the 6.5 miles yesterday even though as it turns out I was just lazily tired, not preggos tired. The 6.5 was just what I needed to go along with my training.

I'm struggling a bit to mentally commit to the half marathon since I may or may not actually be running it. But the whole idea is to have something to train for as I'm waiting month by month for something much bigger and better to happen.

Today I'll be walking a mile (along with my regular "cross training" domestic duties).

Monday, November 24, 2008

Pretty sure I'm pregnant....must run!

Ok...so the dang test still came up negative but I've got to be pregnant. I'm sure of it (kind of). Ok, I'm not sure cause I'll always have my doubts until I see the positive test. Duh! Who wouldn't. But...I'm now over a week late and even though I'm getting plenty of rest I'm super tired. It's the tiredness that I worried would keep me from running early in my pregnancy. So, now that I really think I might be pregnant I had to run a long run this morning to prove I can (and will) keep it up even when I'm tired.

So I ran 6.5 miles. For me, that's a long run. My longest to date was something more than 7 miles but less than 8 miles. (Kicking myself for not figuring it out when I ran it!)

Actually, today I walked the first 1/4 mile then I ran 6 miles and finished it off with walking another 1/4 mile. You better believe I count the half mile I walked. I was walking fast you know. At some point in my pregnancy that's all I'll be able to do. I figure I better start giving myself credit for it.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Am I pregnant?

So...I think I may be pregnant. This would be a good thing. This is something I want. At first I wanted to put off having a baby until after I ran my first marathon. I'm over that now. I decided my first marathon would be great motivation for getting back into shape after I have my baby. So I started to think about training for a half marathon while I wait to see how long it takes to get pregnant.

My fear is that once I'm pregnant I'll completely stop running and give up all I've worked so hard for. Don't get me wrong....I know what I'm in for. I will gain weight, lose muscle, etc. That's expected. This isn't my first child, so I know the drill. But this will be my first pregnancy since I started running. I don't want to lose "the bug".

I keep telling myself this is a great opportunity to have my body in the best shape possible (realistically) for giving birth. Plus there's the added motivation to get back in shape and run a marathon afterward.

I just want to make sure I keep running. So here I go with a new blog. It's public. GASP! If you knew me you'd be shocked. And then you'd laugh cause it's anonymous anyway.

I WILL Keep Runing!