Friday, February 6, 2009

10 miles . . . 10:04 pace (kind of)

Yuck! This run felt awful. After mile 3 all I could think is "I want to quit now." I returned home from my run and told my husband "I never want to run again." Serioulsy, it was so hard. And I totally cheated on my time. I stopped briefly to stretch and stopped my watch both times. I even cut my run short by a couple hundred yards.

I was just thinking how it's good the run is over but if it was so hard cause I'm pregnant I would be super proud of myself for completing it . . . and if not (which is likely the case) dang, WHY was it so hard? Maybe cause I've been pushing myself so hard on my last several runs? I sure hope my next run feels better.


kate said...

Okay, so if I understand correctly you ran 10 miles today and 9 just two days ago? If so, then I can almost bet that's why today's run was so hard. Your body didn't have time to recooperate. I'm sure your next long run will go much better once your body has been able to rest. Just my two cents. By the way, your times are great!

Lindsay said...
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Running Mom said...

The runs were actually 1 week apart. My post dates are just way off cause I can't seem to start a post, finish a post and actually POST a post anywhere near the actual dates of the runs. I would feel like Super Woman if i ran 9 miles and then 2 days later ran 10 miles. That would definitley be reason for an extra hard run. But as it turns out I am preggos so I'm happy to blame it on that!